Officer Responsibilities
- President: The President shall preside at all business meetings of the association and at all meetings of the Board of Directors, and can sign checks on behalf of the association, provided such expenses have been approved by the Board of Directors/Coordinating Council, and a record of any expenditure is presented to the Treasurer. S/he shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall act as the liaison between the association and other organizations, including TESOL. Should the President be unable to preside at a meeting, the Vice President will. If both are absent, another officer will preside.
- Vice President: The Vice President shall oversee the RITELL website and the job clearinghouse; RI Works. Should the need arise, the Vice President may act in the role of President and perform all the associated functions and responsibilities of the President.
- Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes and attendance of Board meetings and shall also keep the minutes of the Annual Business Meeting. The minutes and attendance records shall be available to members on request. The Recording Secretary shall prepare all conference flyers, printed programs, and any other materials needed for any meetings of the association. He/She will also be responsible for preparing the ballot of interested candidates running for the Board of Directors/Coordinating Council prior to the annual meeting at which such elections are to be conducted.
- Membership Secretary: The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to membership. This includes the preparation of membership applications, the receipt of membership dues and the maintenance of membership information. The Membership Secretary shall oversee recruitment efforts to expand membership. This may include maintaining the membership lists for Special Interest Groups and their Coordinators, should such groups be formed. This would be done in collaboration with the Representative-At-large. The membership secretary shall maintain membership e-mail addresses and other contact information. S/he shall be listed on the association’s bank accounts so that he/she may make deposits of membership dues to the association’s financial account as they are received, reporting all deposits to the Treasurer.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all monies due to the association, and shall keep them in accounts authorized by the Board of Directors. S/he shall pay all debts incurred by the association upon approval of the Board of Directors/Coordinating Council and may sign checks. The Treasurer shall provide a financial statement to be read at each meeting of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, s/he shall prepare, for the Board’s approval, a budget for each fiscal year.
- Advocacy Representative: The Advocacy Representative shall serve as the contact for sociopolitical or legislative issues which concern members of RITELL. S/he should meet with other Advocacy Representatives in the region and become a part of the TESOL Affiliate Advocacy Network. The Advocacy Representative will reach out to membership at association meetings and through other appropriate means to gain input from the members concerning the actions the association might take in response to current sociopolitical or legislative issues affecting members and their students. All actions taken by the association will be approved by the Board of Directors/Coordinating Council and must fall within legal limits established for non-profit associations
- Editor: The Editor shall oversee the production of the RITELL newsletter. The Editor shall also oversee the content of any regular means of communication with members, such as a periodic RITELL e-bulletin. To fulfill his/her obligations, the editor shall solicit newsworthy articles from among the membership as well as announcements of noteworthy publications or upcoming events of interest. The Editor may also include national and international news/articles that apply to English Language learning and teaching. The newsletter should represent the interests of all constituency groups of the association. The Newsletter will be published at least two times each membership year and may be done electronically to reduce costs for the association.
- Representative at Large: In the event that Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are formed, the Representative at Large will be charged with communication with all Special Interest Groups and their coordinators. In addition, and in coordination with the Membership Secretary, the Representative at Large will coordinate efforts to encourage participation in these entities. In order to form a Special Interest Group, interested members must submit the proposed name of the group and its proposed Coordinator to the Board. Any RITELL member may propose a Special Interest Group by a written request signed by at least 20 members in good standing. Special Interest Groups will be formed upon approval by two-thirds of the Board of Directors.

Coordinating Council Members 2022-2025
Member |
Position |
Tricia Kelly |
President |
Jacqueline Nelson |
Vice-President |
Christina Antonelli |
Treasurer |
Amy Marshall |
Conference Coordinator |
Dr. Alia Hadid |
Advocacy Coordinator |
Kiersten Prucha |
Membership Secretary |
Alexa Levesque | Community Coordinator/Liaison |
Brenda Moscarelli | Website Manager |
Melissa Moniz | Social Media |
Jenny Polanco
| Award Coordinator |
Terri Couto | Recording Secretary |
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